2013 was an event filled year for me. My fourth grand, Cayson, was born April 5, 2013.
My Daddy fell, breaking his hip, while having a heart attack one week after I started the school year. Sadly, he passed 8 days later on August 29, 2013. He died on the Thursday evening before Labor Day. The cemetery would not open and close the grave on the holiday weekend. So, his funeral was on Sunday, his burial was on Tuesday. Long, long time for the process.
5 days later, Buck's dad was in the hospital with pneumonia. He was in for two weeks, including almost a week in ICU. A month later he had to have triple bypass heart surgery, with another 2 week stay.
During the heart stay, Buck's mom is diagnosed with two broken vertebrae. She had surgery on Jan. 9. 3 days for this hospitalization.
I had left knee arthroscopy to smooth out damage from arthritis on Halloween. On Dec 26, the Dr gave me a diagnosis of severe spinal stenosis, sending me to a neurosurgeon. I'm in a second round of PT, one for the knee and now one for the back. The neurosurgeon will inject steroids where a bulging disc is impinging my nerve roots at L4/5.
I started this school year teaching SpEd fourth and sixth graders. I was moved to fifth grade math and science general ed the first week of Dec. On February 3, our administration reorganized our fifth and sixth grade teachers, putting me in science and social studies for Fifth and Sixth Grades. We have a very difficult group of students this year. I have 115-120 students, two grade levels in each subject, two sections of each grade. I teach eight classes each day.
17 hours ago