Friday, May 7, 2010

Long Time, No Posts

WOW! I cannot believe that I haven't posted anything in over 2 months.

First things first, it is now gardening time in central Louisiana. Brayden was very helpful last Saturday with the watering. The red bushes in the upper right of the picture are Bottlebrush plants. They are native to Australia. But do very well in my backyard. I also have old fashioned dark pink gladiolas blooming. Ann gave me those glads. In that same clump of stuff, I have some Summer Snow flowers that I dug from my great-grandmother's garden. My daddy's cousin was so gracious in sharing our heirloom flowers. It's just a guess, but these bulbs are flowers Grandma Stallings probably got from her mother's yard, or maybe from her grandmother's.

This daylily seemed to need more water than any other plant.

Then, after a long afternoon's work,

it was relaxing to run through the water

while Mamaw sprayed off the porch.

Joseph is rolling over at will now. He is trying his best to crawl, but only manages to circle. His belly is still stuck to the floor. It is really hard to crawl and suck your thumb at the same time.

Abigail is finally growing. There isn't as much difference in their sizes any more.

I have three finished quilts since my last post. I have done both of the cuddle quilts for the little babies. I also finished the flannel quilt for Joe.

Joe and Brayd tag-team Papaw. I think the match ended in a draw.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Brayden Wants a Bottle

I heard Brayden in the kitchen playing in the plastics. I could tell he wasn't into anything I needed to stop. After a few minutes, I decided to investigate.

This is what I found:

Brayden is very carefully taking everything out of the cabinet. He is placing it on the floor. Neatly. Neater than it was in the cabinet.

He tried every ring on every bottle. None would work. He tried every nipple, too. All he wanted was a bottle that could be put together. He worked and worked. He completely emptied the cabinet. Finally, he said, "Baba, Mamaw. Peas!" Translation: I want a bottle, Mamaw. Please.

I fixed him a bottle.

I now have an reorganized plastics cabinet.


It has been a very eventful week in our family.
Thursday, we lost Ann. Saturday, we married off a nephew. Sunday, we celebrated a second birthday. Monday, we buried Ann. What a roller coaster of emotions we have had.

My nephew, Snapper, was married Saturday night. We added a wonderful young lady, Rosalie, to our family.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Henderson Griffin, IV......Snapper and Rosalie

Joseph was very happy during the wedding. He assisted Snapper in saying his vows. Every time Snap spoke, Joe cooed. Joe is already 3 months old!

I love this picture of me with the Little Babies, Joe and Abby. My sister-in-law, Sandi, took lots of pictures.
She is a professional photog in Little Rock. She wasn't working the wedding. She still took several hundred pics!

Brayden rearranged all of the balloon bouquets on our side of the reception hall. He wasn't courageous enough to venture across the room to get the rest. He still needs to be close to familiar people. And it was a little too dim for him to go very far.

Ally Grace celebrated her second birthday Sunday, Feb. 14. She is the sweetest valentine we ever got. She was one of Rosalie's flowergirls. She walked down the aisle as big as can be. Her papaw sent her from the back of the church to her mom at the front. We were hoping she wouldn't turn back to him. She was sooooo cute. All we could see from our side of the church was the big white bow on her head as she pranced up that aisle. She glanced at her mom and headed for the rest of the wedding party. She even tried to climb up the steps, but needed a little help.

I kept all 3 grands yesterday. I was tickled that my own children were giving me advice. I finally reminded them that THEY survived me. I am certain their children will also.

Sunday, February 14, 2010


Rachel Ann Griffin Ferrant
August 11, 1963-February 11, 2010
Beloved Wife, Mother, Daughter, & Sister

I lost my sister, Ann, to her cancer Thursday night, February 11, 2010. She slipped away about 7:40 pm on the prettiest night of the year. We had one of our very rare snowfalls that night.
This was the scene out my back door Friday morning.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Life after the 1st

I finished Joe's sweater. It is too cute for words.
I am knitting a hat for Ann. She was moved today to rehab. She is about 20 minutes away. Ann will stay in rehab to regain use of her left arm. She lost the use of it to the tumor.
Dale, Ann's husband, is blind. He isn't totally blind, he has some functional vision. He can't drive. One of the 2 trips to and from the Hospital in Shreveport, the ambulance company agreed to allow him to ride with Ann in the ambulance to and from Alexandria. (a 2 hour drive). They would not allow him to ride home with her to the rehab Hospital today. One of his sisters have to go to get him. I don't know the difference from one trip to the next. It is the same ambulance company. Still no quilting, I have to finish the Christmas quilts for the babies.